Mathprovider site has a very interesting section called "About the Performance" that I recommend.
For now, I tried the following sample code with no problems.
// reference F# PowerPack & MathProvider #r @"FSharp.PowerPack.dll" //#r @"D:\FSharp\math-provider\MathProvider\MathProvider\bin\Release\MathProvider.dll" #r @"C:\cs\Others\MathProvider\Net 4.0\MathProvider.dll" #time // rename the module name module L = MathProvider.LinearAlgebra // set the directory of the Lapack runtime (blas.dll & lapack.dll) System.Environment.CurrentDirectory <- @"C:\cs\Others\MathProvider\LapackRuntime" //System.Environment.CurrentDirectory <- @"D:\FSharp\math-provider\LapackRuntime\Netlib" //System.Environment.CurrentDirectory <- @"D:\FSharp\math-provider\LapackRuntime\MKL" // start the native provider, otherwise (implementent) F# implementation will be used L.startProvider() // create two 3x3 matrices let A = matrix [ [12.; -51.; 4.; ]; [6.; 167.; -68.;]; [-4.; 24.; -41.; ] ] let B = matrix [ [ 2.; 1.; 1.;] ; [ 1.; 2.; 1.;]; [ 1.; 1.; 2.;] ] // determinant let det = L.det A // inverse let inv = L.inv A // qr decomposition let q, r = L.qr A // lu decomposition let p, l, u = A // cholesky decomposition let ch = L.chol B // svd decomposition let v, s, ut = L.svd A // eigen decomposition for symetric matrix let a, b = L.cov A A |> L.eigenSym (* result *) (* val A : matrix = matrix [[12.0; -51.0; 4.0] [6.0; 167.0; -68.0] [-4.0; 24.0; -41.0]] val B : matrix = matrix [[2.0; 1.0; 1.0] [1.0; 2.0; 1.0] [1.0; 1.0; 2.0]] val det : float = -85750.0 val inv : matrix = matrix [[0.06081632653; 0.02326530612; -0.03265306122] [-0.006040816327; 0.005551020408; -0.009795918367] [-0.009469387755; 0.0009795918367; -0.02693877551]] val r : matrix = matrix [[-14.0; -21.0; 14.0] [0.0; -175.0; 70.0] [0.0; 0.0; -35.0]] val q : matrix = matrix [[-0.8571428571; 0.3942857143; 0.3314285714] [-0.4285714286; -0.9028571429; -0.03428571429] [0.2857142857; -0.1714285714; 0.9428571429]] val u : matrix = matrix [[12.0; -51.0; 4.0] [0.0; 192.5; -70.0] [0.0; 0.0; -37.12121212]] val p : (int -> int) val l : matrix = matrix [[1.0; 0.0; 0.0] [0.5; 1.0; 0.0] [-0.3333333333; 0.03636363636; 1.0]] val ch : matrix = matrix [[1.414213562; 0.7071067812; 0.7071067812] [0.0; 1.224744871; 0.4082482905] [0.0; 0.0; 1.154700538]] val v : matrix = matrix [[-0.2543778627; -0.5139835724; -0.81921474] [0.9464104305; 0.0419982359; -0.3202240549] [0.1989954776; -0.8567712854; 0.4757559925]] val ut : matrix = matrix [[0.00960262784; 0.922507462; -0.385859783] [-0.07574450365; 0.3854399898; 0.9196188256] [-0.9970810196; -0.0203960004; -0.0735761066]] val s : Vector= vector [|190.5672437; 32.85688323; 13.69492038|] val b : Matrix = matrix [[0.9970810196; -0.07574450365; -0.00960262784] [0.0203960004; 0.3854399898; -0.922507462] [0.0735761066; 0.9196188256; 0.385859783]] val a : vector = vector [|187.5508443; 1079.574776; 36315.87438|] *)