Computer Science Experimentation

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tests with F# and RMath.Net

This post reports results experiencing with Rmath.Net.

R ( is probably the most widely used statistical software.

The .NET wrapper is available at

Check the full article at:!/view.aspx?cid=BDC87EF39B001785&resid=BDC87EF39B001785%21365

F# Charting using FSharpChart Library

 This post  reports the results of experiencing with F# and:

Check the full article at:!/view.aspx?cid=BDC87EF39B001785&resid=BDC87EF39B001785%21362

Tests with PIT-F# to Javascript Compiler


This post reports several tests done with PIT ( ) v0.2.

The first set of examples is the original samples available in the PIT’s web page.
The other examples are collected from books as:

-         JavaScript for Web Developers (Nicholas et al.)
-         Pro HTML5 Programming (Lubbers et al.)
-         The Definitive Guide to HTML5 (Freeman)

Check the full article at: