Computer Science Experimentation

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Silverlight and F#

The following example is a Silverlight application using F#.

The server and client are written in F# (except for a standard one line code in C# to register the event handlers). So, basically, only one language is used for all parts.

The UI is separated from the logic and it is developed using Visual Studio XAML editor (WYSIWYG).

The application is a simple Hello-World using a Button and a TextBlock.

But, the example is quite generic because it allows cross-domain network access. It means that the web-page and the web-service can be hosted by multiple and different servers.

The client solution is composed by three projects, one Silverlight Application (C#), one Silverlight Class Library (C#) and one F# Library, as follow.

An F# script is used to define programmatically a self-hosted server. Check the full article at:!/view.aspx?cid=BDC87EF39B001785&resid=BDC87EF39B001785%21285

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